How tall is Cillian Murphy? Cillian Murphy Height, Age, Weight and Much More

How tall is Cillian Murphy? Cillian Murphy Height, Age, Weight and Much More
How tall is Cillian Murphy? Cillian Murphy Height, Age, Weight and Much More







Well known for his roles in many movies and TV shows, including Peaky Blinders, Inception, and The Dark Knight Trilogy, Cillian Murphy is a popular actor. A lot of people are curious about him, and want to better understand who he is and what he looks like.

Cillian Murphy’s height estimates vary, but most sources say he’s around 5 foot 7 inches (1.70 meters) tall. A lot of fans are stunned to find that he’s not taller, as he gives off “tall person” vibes when he’s on the screen. Although he’s not the shortest guy out there, he’s definitely not a tall one either.

That’s pretty surprising, so we’re going to find out more about this, plus some other facts about Cillian Murphy that might surprise you!

How Tall Is Cillian Murphy?

How Tall Is Cillian Murphy?
How Tall Is Cillian Murphy?

There are some small variations on the estimates, but most people agree that Cillian Murphy is around 5 foot 7 inches. Some say 5 foot 9 inches (1.75 meters), but this is a rarely-quoted figure, and doesn’t seem to have any evidence behind it.

You might not have noticed that Cillian Murphy is relatively short just by watching his movies. He somehow manages to look taller than he is, perhaps because he has quite an upright stance and he’s a powerful figure on the screen.

If you look closely, though, you can see that he’s not as tall as some of the other actors he has worked with. He’s also a little under the average height for a man in the UK, which is 5 foot 10 inches (1.78 meters). This same average applies to Ireland, where Cillian Murphy is from.

That means he’s a little short for his country, although probably only by around three inches, which many people would never really notice.

Cillian Murphy has a very distinctive appearance, which means that people quickly recognize him on screen. With bright blue eyes and a chiseled face, plus a somewhat melancholy expression, he’s easily distinguishable, even when he takes on very different roles.

This also means that people are less likely to notice his height, as they are generally focused on other things and not paying attention to how tall he is.

Is Cillian Murphy Shorter Than Other Actors?

You might now be wondering how Cillian Murphy compares with the other actors he has worked alongside. One of the things he’s famous for is his role as the Scarecrow in the Batman trilogy.

In this, Batman was played by Christian Bale, who is 6 feet (1.83 meters) tall. That means he’s about 5 inches taller than Cillian Murphy, and some clever camerawork was probably necessary to ensure this difference didn’t show up too clearly on the screen.

Another of his famous appearances is in Peaky Blinders, where he plays Tommy Shelby. Other actors in this series include Paul Anderson and Tom Hardy.

Paul Anderson is thought to be around 5 foot 9 inches (1.75 meters), meaning he’s about 2 inches taller than Cillian Murphy. Tom Hardy is also about 5 foot 9 inches, so both are slightly taller than Cillian Murphy, but not significantly. You might be able to see this difference in some shots, but it probably isn’t very obvious.

How Old Is Cillian Murphy?

Born in 1976, Cillian Murphy is now 46 years old, although many people think he looks younger than this. He’s been acting since he was around 20, and remains a very popular figure in films and TV series, perhaps partly because of his distinctive appearance. He’s a fantastic actor who is much admired across the globe.

His first acting appearance was in a stage production of Disco Pigs in 1996, and he went on to appear in the screen adaptation of the same play in 2001. Since then, he has appeared in around 60 productions, mostly films, with some TV mixed in.

What Has Cillian Murphy Been In?

Cillian Murphy is famous for quite a few of the things he has been in, but Peaky Blinders and The Dark Knight Trilogy have probably brought him the most fame. Peaky Blinders ran between 2013 and 2022, and The Dark Knight Trilogy films were released in 2005, 2008, and 2012.

He has been nominated for and won multiple awards. He won the Best Drama Performance from the National Television Awards for his role in Peaky Blinders in 2022. He also won the National Television Awards Best Actor in a Lead Role in Drama in 2020; and the Irish Film & Television Award for Best Drama Performance in 2018.

He has also been in several other famous movies, including Inception in 2010, and A Quiet Place Part II. In 2020, he was named as one of the greatest Irish film actors by The Irish Times.

In spite of his fame, Cillian Murphy is quite a private individual, and has not offered a lot of information about his life. He has deliberately made efforts to avoid attention and controversy, and didn’t even appear on talk shows until 2010. Even when he does appear, he tends to be reserved and quiet.

His acting career has demonstrated his ability to play diverse parts with skill, and it’s likely that he will continue from strength to strength.

How Much Does Cillian Murphy Weigh?

Estimates vary to a degree, but the actor has a slim build and most people say he’s around 165 or 170 lb (75 to 77 kg). Some place his weight even lower, at around 155 lb (70 kg). Regardless of which is accurate, he’s certainly slender.

This may also be what helps him to appear tall. Either way, he’s obviously considered highly attractive, and has also been named one of the 50 best dressed men by GQ in 2015.


Cillian Murphy may not be a particularly tall man, but he is attractive, and an enormously talented actor. You might not notice his shorter stature at all when watching him on the screen; his performances tend to capture his audience’s full attention.

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