Map of Nauru | Nauru Flag Facts | Places to visit in Nauru
Do you love long walks? Well, we got some good news for you. You can walk around this whole little island in just 6 hours because of how small it is! The unique size of Nauru makes it a great tourist attraction and something that everyone should experience once in their lives!
Map of Nauru

Nauru History
Nauru used to be an Australian territory from 1914 to 1968. Before Australian control over Nauru, Nauru used to be German territory. In 1920, three countries, Australia, Britain and New Zealand were all given a joint League of Nations Mandate over Nauru. After the Second World War, Australia governed Nauru. Later in 1989, in the International Court of Justice, Nauru appealed against Australia. Nauru has always been of interest to so many countries because of its immense abundance of phosphate mines which were exhausted during the Australian rule over Nauru. Australia offered 2.5 million Australian dollars yearly for 20 years as an out-of-court settlement to Nauru.
Where is Nauru located on the world map?
Nauru is located in the southwestern Pacific which lies in the subregion Micronesia. It is located towards the south of the equator. Banaba is the neighboring island of Nauru whereas the Solomon Islands lie towards the northeast of Nauru.
Is Nauru the smallest country in the world?
Nauru is not the smallest country. It lands at third right after Vatican City and Monaco but when island countries are considered, Nauru is known to be the smallest island country of the world where you can walk around the whole island in just a quarter of a day! Nauru measures just eight square miles.
How many islands or islets is Nauru?
Unlike many other island countries that are made up of more than one island, in many cases, hundreds of islands and islets, Nauru is only a single island country. There are coral cliffs and rock phosphate plateaus in the relatively small country. Two-thirds of the entire country is covered with mineral deposits making this little island one of the richest countries of the world.
Nauru Flag Facts

Just like several other countries, the flag of Nauru was decided through a nation-wide design competition that was held right after its independence. The Nauru flag was raised on 31st January 1968 which is also the day that is recognized as the Independence Day of Nauru.
Colors and Meaning of Nauru Flag
Nauru’s flag is rather simple yet aesthetic but it raised a lot of controversy due to its lack of representation of the countries that have been associated with the country before like Australia and Germany. Several countries in Oceania which were previously ruled or colonized by other countries have incorporated or represented those countries in one way or another. Nauru completely eradicated the representation of Australia from its flag which raised a lot of controversy from their side. The flag of Nauru is rather simple with the usage of only three colors: blue, yellow and white. The flag of Nauru represents the geographical location of Nauru with the yellow-gold horizontal stripe representing the equator. There is a star towards the bottom left side of the flag with 12 points. The twelve points represent the twelve indigenous tribes of the island.
Population of Nauru
The total population of Nauru is just 12,709 where more than half of the population is Nauruan and there is also a large proportion of Pacific islander groups. The most commonly followed religion in the country is Christianity. The indigenous people of Nauru are mostly rich and really hospitable. They are really welcoming and warm to tourists. The people there greatly value their culture and the fact that they are lesser in number so they keep their culture alive in all the practices through their clothes, festivals and celebrations.
Language of Nauru
There are two official languages of Nauru: English and Nauruan. English was adopted due to the previous rule of Australia over Nauru. The indigenous language of Nauru is called Nauruan which is a Micronesian language spoken by almost all of Nauru. Nauruan is exclusive just to this small island and is not spoken anywhere else which is why the locals prefer speaking their own language and keeping it alive.
Interesting Facts about Nauru
Nauru is nothing like the countries that you are used to. This small place packs a punch and a lot of interesting facts that will leave you amazed!
- Nauru has no official capital. Yaren District is treated as closest to the capital but there is no official capital of the country.
- There is no knowledge of the very first inhabitants of Nauru. When it was discovered by the Europeans, it was already inhabited by 12 tribes in the 18th century.
- Nauru was initially called Pleasant Island by Captain John Fearn.
- Nauru does not have an army.
- Nauru is known as the most obese nation of the world with 88.5% of its population classified as obese.
Places to Visit in Nauru
For what might seem like a small place for tourist attractions, you will not be disappointed at all with what Nauru has to offer. The small place is as beautiful as it gets with a picture-perfect landscape and perfect beaches. Here are some places that you cannot miss on your trip to Nauru
- Mountain Climbing – Nauru has a lot of rocky mountains with breathtaking views that are just as rewarding as fun as climbing up those mountains themselves.
- Cruise Ride – You can book a cruise ride to properly see the whole of Nauru. The cruises in Nauru offer luxury like you have never experienced before. You will fall in love with both nature and luxury.
- Moqua Well – It looks like something out of a movie. This place seems like a maze that eventually leads to a beautiful underground lake. A true once-in-a-lifetime experience.