It is also nicknamed the “Buckle of the Bible Belt” for being a home to several places sacred to Christianity.
In terms of population, it is known as the 23rd most populous city in the United States and is a home to 1,249,000 (year 2020) people of varying ethnicities
The unemployment rate is as low as 3% and you’re able to find plenty of markets related to healthcare, technology, business start-ups, music and other sectors
If you are a student you can apply at the likes of Vanderbilt University, one of the top 15 institutes in the country.
There’s so much for sightseeing. You have honky-tonks everywhere in Broadway, downtown Nashville, catering to not only country music but a variety of other genres.
A lot of residents in Nashville seem to complain about the traffic, which are actually valid complaints because Nashville’s population is growing at a fast pace and there’s lack of public transportation.