How Tall Is Tom Selleck? Tom Selleck Height, Age, Weight And Much More

How Tall Is Tom Selleck? Tom Selleck Height, Age, Weight And Much More
How Tall Is Tom Selleck? Tom Selleck Height, Age, Weight And Much More


As Tom Selleck played college basketball before he launched his acting career, it won’t surprise you to learn that he’s a tall individual – but a lot of people want to know just how tall. Is he much taller than the average American man?

Tom Selleck is 6 foot 4 inches (1.93 meters), which means that he’s significantly above the average height of an American man. He’s definitely a tall individual, and he says this has caused him some problems as an actor, because it often meant he dwarfed others on the set, and it made framing the camera angles challenging.

In spite of that, Tom Selleck has had a very successful career, so let’s find out a bit more about him!

How Tall Is Tom Selleck?

How Tall Is Tom Selleck?
How Tall Is Tom Selleck?

At around 6 foot 4 inches, Tom Selleck stands around 8 inches taller than the average American man, who is said to be about 5 foot 8 inches (1.73 meters). That’s more than half a foot taller, and it’s definitely something that you would notice if you met the actor in person.

As mentioned above, this caused him some difficulties, especially in his early career. He often found himself being told that he was too tall for the part, that he would dwarf the hero, or that he would make framing the camera difficult. Although cameramen do often work with tricky angles and different heights, a very tall individual can make this harder.

Tom Selleck has also talked about the fact that nobody wants him to tower over the leading role, whoever that might be. He says his height is rarely a problem if he’s working alone, but when it comes to working alongside others, it has presented some difficulties.

That might be surprising, because height is usually seen as a positive in men. However, Tom Selleck has been very successful in spite of this problem, and he also worked as a model in the 1980s, indicating that people do find him attractive, despite the fact that he says he could never be “an ideal romantic lead.”

Tom Selleck is a very iconic actor, and has been made famous by his roles in various movies and shows, including things like Magnum, P.I. and Blue Bloods. 

How Old Is Tom Selleck?

Tom Selleck is now 78 years old, something that comes as a shock to many of his long-term fans. However, he is still active, despite being well past the retirement age. He isn’t doing as much work now as he did in his prime, but his recent pieces have included Friends: The Reunion and Out Where The West Begins, both in 2021.

Magnum, P.I. was probably the show which brought him the most fame, although it did mean he had to pass up roles in other movies, including Raiders of the Lost Ark, where he would have played Indiana Jones. 

He refused to use underhand tactics to get out of his contract with Magnum, P.I., saying that it would be dishonorable. Although filming was delayed, he stuck at it, and the show continued from 1980 to 1988, winning him an Emmy Award and bringing him widespread recognition and admiration.

He played in a wide range of other roles after this, and also did some TV advertising. He appeared as the spokesperson of the American Advisors Group in 2016. He’s a long-standing star on Blue Bloods, which is still running, with Tom Selleck saying that he’s “game” to keep going for 15 seasons.

Whether the show will be renewed for this long remains to be seen, but rumors that Selleck is thinking of leaving seem to be unfounded. Fans are delighted to see him remaining with the show, which has enjoyed long-standing popularity.

Although Tom Selleck hasn’t appeared on a huge variety of shows in recent years, there’s no doubt that he’s still widely regarded as one of the “greats” in the acting world, and that his presence commands attention – not just because of his height!

How Much Does Tom Selleck Weigh?

Estimates of Tom Selleck’s weight vary between 194 lb and 216 lb (88 kg and (98 kg), but the former is the more commonly quoted figure.

Many people think of Tom Selleck as being in excellent shape, partly because his roles often involved stunt work and physical prowess. However, he has said that he’s not as fit as he once was, and that the stunts he has done in the past have had a lasting effect on his body.

That said, Tom Selleck has talked about how his 65-acre ranch is a key part of keeping himself fit and healthy. He says that he does a lot of the “grunt work” around the farm, ensuring his muscles are kept strong. He claims not to like going to the gym, but anybody who has worked on a farm knows you can get a full workout here!

He also says that he plays competitive softball, and enjoys beach volleyball and a few other sports. These things all help him to stay healthy and keep him in shape, and at 78, he’s still looking good!

Other Fun Facts

Interestingly, Tom Selleck is said to have had a big influence on how his character in Magnum, P.I. turned out. He didn’t enjoy the role initially, feeling that the character was too perfect, and too much like James Bond. He suggested making the character a little more downtrodden and something of an “everyman.”

The show producers agreed and the character was adapted – and given that the show ran for 8 seasons, it seems that this may have been a good move!

Tom Selleck has turned down a few interesting roles, including the role of Mitch Buchannon in Baywatch. He said that he didn’t want to be seen as a sex symbol.


Tom Selleck is among the tallest actors out there, towering over many of his fellow costars. That did make it harder for him to get roles at times, but his skill as an actor helped him to succeed, bringing him widespread recognition and admiration.

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