Hawaii is the 50th state to be added to the USA. It is the only state that is not attached to the rest and is the home to many amazing people, unique animals, and volcanoes.
You can find Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean more than 2000 miles South West of the United States and even further from any other landmass in the world.
Hawaii isn’t just one place; it is actually made up of 8 main islands but has 137 islands altogether and five counties.
Are you considering a visit to Hawaii? Well, here is how to find it and all the places to visit and things to know for when you get there.
Where Is Hawaii Located?

Hawaii is the only US state that is not attached to the rest of the country.
It is a group of Islands located in the Pacific Ocean and can be found sitting 2,390 miles South West of the United States mainland, closest to California.
Hawaii is a little more than 5000 miles to the West of Manila, located in the Philippians.
Hawaii is 1,374.87 mi from the equator, making it the closest US state to this imaginary line that divides the world equally in half.
What is the Capital of Hawaii?

The Capital of Hawaii is Honolulu. Honolulu is located on the island of Oahu; it stretches across the pacific coast of the island and is known as the “gateway” into Hawaii.
If you want to find Honolulu by its coordinates, you can look up the 21.3069° N, 157.8583° W on the map.
Where is Hawaii on a World Map?
If you are trying to locate Hawaii by its coordinates, you can find it by searching 19.8968° N, 155.5828° W.
You can quickly locate this island on a map by simply looking at the Pacific Ocean and pinpointing the closest set of Islands near the US.
However, you will not see them sitting close to the US at all, and in fact, you will not see them sitting close to any landmass.
The second closest location to Hawaii is Japan, which is 3,850 miles away.
Great Places to Visit In Hawaii
Hawaii is a popular place for vacations for people all over the world.
This set of islands offers impressive locations for fantastic get-a-ways, no matter what type of person you are or adventures you enjoy taking.
Here is a list of the top places to visit while you are vacationing in Hawaii.
USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor
This unique memorial spot is located on top of a sunken battleship (the USS Arizona) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
You can take an hour-long tour of the memorial, starting with a historical 25 min video, then followed by a marine boat ride to the USS Arizona.
In the tour, you will find a large marble plaque with the names of 1,177 Sailors and Marines that sadly passed away on the iconic ship during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Haleakala National Park
The Haleakala National park is located on the beautiful island of Maui. Visitors can take walks through nature and even around the 10,023-ft dormant volcano, Mt. Haleakala.
There are many fun activities provided at this park for you and your family, including camping, guided tours, and many other great adventures.
Road to Hana
The Road to Hana is by far one of the most popular places to visit in Hawaii.
Guests can spend an hour or a day and always have something new to explore. The road to Hana is a unique attraction as it isn’t a destination but a path to travel through the island of Maui.
While you are navigating these roads, you will see unforgettable, breathtaking scenery from fabulous waterfalls to colorful sandy beaches and wild gardens made up of pretty flowers and unique foliage.
Interesting Facts about Hawaii
Now that you know how to find Hawaii and the best places to visit. We wanted to give you some interesting information about this cluster of Islands that will definitely grab your attention.
- Hawaii was where the sport of surfacing was first introduced to the world.
- There are five active volcanoes in this state.
- Mount Haleakala is the largest dormant volcano in the world. This volcano makes up ¾ of the island of Maui and is 10,023 feet tall at its highest peak.
- There are two main languages in this state. Hawaiian and English. It is the only US state with two official languages.
- Hugs are more prevalent than a handshake. People hug for just about every greeting.
- No shoes are ever worn inside a home. You must always take your shoes off at the door; it’s just habitual.
- Every island in Hawaii has its own flower and color assigned to it.
- The Hawaii state fish is the Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa, say that five times fast. (ha say that once.) It is also known as the reef triggerfish and is only 10-inches long.
- It is illegal to own squirrels, hamsters, gerbils, or snakes in Hawaii, and there are actually no wild snakes or squirrels roaming about either. If you fear snakes (which many people do), you may want to consider relocating to the islands.
- There is a Banyan tree planted in the center of Lahaina that is over 80-feet tall, one of the largest Banyan trees in the world.
- Bringing your pets along for a vacation is going to be a hassle as rabies is seriously feared. There are no cases of rabies on the islands, and if you want to relocate with your pets, they will be required to be quarantined for months.
These are only a few fun facts regarding this fantastic hidden gem tucked away in the vast Pacific Ocean.
Because of its location, there are unique features, landforms, and adventures to be found in Hawaii.
Summing Things Up
Locating Hawaii on a map is relatively easy to do. Just look SouthWest of California, into the Pacific Ocean.
There you will see a cluster of islands; this is Hawaii. Hawaii is a spectacular place full of amazing adventures, beautiful beaches, and great hospitality.